They say your life’s purpose finds you, even if you try to outrun it. I heard my calling at age eleven to be an attorney speaking out against injustice, specifically to help women and children. But as a young Latina from a working class L.A. family, I wondered if that path was for people like me.
For years I questioned my true passion, and whether I should pursue a more “practical” career. But I couldn’t silence the voice within propelling me to advocate for the oppressed. The turning point came when I took my Nana to my law school library and she said, “what have you gotten yourself into?” Her comment forced me to dig into my own family history. I discovered the hardships my Mexican immigrant grandparents overcame – realizing it was hard for her to imagine a lawyer in the family. Her perseverance now lives on through me.
I’m proud to continue their legacy by empowering others to find their voice. Though I eventually became a prosecutor taking on appalling crimes, I’ve tried never to lose my compassion. My own traumatic childhood taught me life’s challenges can either break us or make us unstoppable. I believe my writing is one way to turn pain into purpose.
This blog offers a glimpse behind the scenes of my prosecutorial-turned-criminal defense career and fictional thrillers. More than anything, I aim to inspire – both my characters and readers – to stand up for justice with courage. Won’t you join me on this journey? Our voices united can transform lives.